Tooth Friendly Tailgates

As the days get shorter and the weather turns cooler, we know it means that it’s time for some tailgating. It doesn’t matter if you have friends over to watch the game or you head out for some grilling in the parking lot, you want to keep the get-together tooth-friendly. Here are some of our best suggestions.

Grilling Foods

While hot dogs and hamburgers seem to be the staples, it would be best for your teeth if you choose lean meats and grilled vegetables instead. Lean red meats give your body iron which also benefits your teeth. If you lack iron, you might even face cold sores. They also offer niacin which keeps bad breath at bay.


If grilling vegetables isn’t your thing, then consider a veggie tray instead. Fiber-rich vegetables help produce additional saliva which washes away sugar and bacteria from the teeth. We particularly like raw broccoli and carrots.

Cheese and Crackers

Cheese and crackers are something everyone enjoys, and there’s no reason not to indulge. Cheese is high in calcium which helps to build healthy teeth. Just make sure you use some whole wheat or whole grain crackers with it.

Sweet Treats

If you must have sweets, then skip the cookies and brownies and choose something sugar-free instead. It’s easy to make baked goods these days with alternative sweeteners. If you don’t like baked goods, you could always opt for some sliced fruit and a yogurt dip instead.

Protect Your Teeth

If you do eat or drink things that aren’t good for your teeth, be sure that you take the time to brush afterward. At the very least, you need to rinse your mouth out good with water until you get home. Take steps today to protect your teeth for tomorrow so you can enjoy many more tailgating adventures.

Need to schedule an appointment with a leading dentist in Plano, TX? Please give out office a call today at (972) 519-1990.

Office Hours

Monday: 7:00 am – 4:00pm
Tuesday: 7:00 am – 4:00pm
Wednesday: 7:00 am – 4:00pm
Thursday: 7:00 am – 4:00pm
Friday – Sunday: Closed


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